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Barking –

Empower Your Career with DNS Accountants' Flexible Franchise

For Raman Boparai, the idea of missing out on precious time with her three sons while returning to traditional work was unbearable. Opting for a flexible option through franchising with DNS Accountants, she embarked on the journey of starting her own practice.

As a mother of twins and an older son, Raman realised the importance of a career that allowed her to be present for her family. Despite facing the challenges of balancing studies and work, she sought a path that aligned with her values. The impact of her absence on her sons prompted Raman to choose a different, family-centric path.

DNS Accountants offered Raman the ideal blend of support and flexibility. Already familiar with DNS since 2016, she chose them in 2020 for their commitment to family values and comprehensive support. The franchise provided her with intensive training, covering various aspects of business management, enabling her to establish a business on her terms. She values the community she has become part of the most, almost relying on her fellow franchisees for help and support as well as the dedicated account managers she weekly meets.

In her few years, Raman is well on her way to achieving her goals, both in terms of clients and turnover. The key to success, she emphasises, lies in effective time management and flexibility, allowing her to balance client needs and family commitments seamlessly.

Raman sees her franchise growth as an opportunity to showcase an alternative route to success, breaking away from traditional academic paths. Her mission extends beyond her family, aiming to inspire young people and parents in her community to pursue their goals without solely relying on the academic route.

For those seeking a flexible working solution, DNS Accountants' franchise offers the ideal blend of support, training, and family-friendly values.

Contact us today to embark on your journey.


Phill Bessant

As the co-director of Phil Bessant Limited (PBL), a flourishing accountancy practice in Newport, Wales, joining the DNS Accountants network was a strategic move to expand our customer base and diversify services. Inspired by DNS's goal of nationwide reach and its business model tailored for small businesses, PBL aimed to leverage the benefits of association with a larger Group practice.

The decision to join DNS was driven by the realisation of lacking a succession plan and the clear benefits of being part of a larger accountancy Group. The main advantage has been the ability to offer additional services and advice, enhancing PBL's reputation as the "one-stop shop" in Newport.

In almost a year with DNS, my advice to potential joiners is simple:

Believe in Possibility: Set realistic goals and act on them, believing in your ability to achieve your dreams.Commit to Collaboration: Utilise DNS as a knowledgeable team to guide and support your business.Enjoy the Journey: Embrace challenges, savour successes, and maintain a work-life balance.

PBL added 55 new clients in the first year, showcasing the positive impact of being part of the DNS network. He now has over 600 clients. The exceptional training and support have focused on efficiency, customer service, overhead reduction, and increased profitability.

Joining DNS at the opportune moment, PBL is enjoying a successful collaboration that continues to flourish.


Chancery Lane

Yang, a fully qualified and experienced accountant, and a proud member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (MAAT) established DNS's Chancery Lane branch five years ago. With a Master’s in Accounting and Finance earned in 2016, yang’s career spans six years, demonstrating ambition and dedication in various industries, particularly IT and non-established taxable persons (NETPs).

As the Branch Manager, Yang focuses on supporting owner-managed businesses in growing their enterprises. Her practice specialises in comprehensive accounting and compliance services, overseas investment advice, and tax solutions. Embracing technology, Yang utilizes DNS's bespoke bookkeeping and accounting system Nomisma, making the most of cloud accounting systems.

Leveraging the DNS network over the past five years, Yang appreciates the flexibility of the Franchise model, providing a robust structure for her practice. She values the reputation of the DNS name, considering it a significant asset that builds trust with new leads even before they meet her.

In addition to her professional expertise, running the Franchise aligns with Yang’s personal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) goals. She is currently focusing on sales and marketing, enhancing her business growth prospects through private study, observation, and guidance from DNS colleagues.

Despite challenges, such as the initial impact of the COVID-19 lockdown, Yang and her team are thriving. Their recent marketing campaign targets businesses seeking help to plan and grow in turbulent times. For Yang, the Franchise not only boosts her confidence but also provides job satisfaction, aligning with her passion for client engagement and continuous learning.


Ather Arshad, found his reason to work for himself rooted in the desire for a flexible schedule and a brighter future. A seasoned corporate finance manager with a successful career in the UK and Dubai, Ather's decision to venture into self-employment was fuelled by the need for independence, control, and a better work-life balance.

In August 2021, Ather successfully launched DNS Accountants Romford, realising his dream of working for himself and enjoying the benefits of his hard work. The shift from working for others to running his own business was driven by a desire for a more fulfilling life, both professionally and personally.

Choosing DNS Accountants as his franchisor, Ather saw an opportunity to leverage his previous experience within a system that was already in place. The unique flexibility offered by DNS, from payment terms to training approaches, set them apart from other franchisors. Ather appreciated the immediate support, established brand, cloud-based software, and pre-qualified leads that enabled him to hit the ground running and achieve a return on his investment from day one.

Ather's timing couldn't have been better, aligning with a market where high-quality accountancy services are in constant demand. As the economy rebounds, Ather, alongside DNS Accountants, positions himself to capitalise on growth by delivering essential financial support to SME owners.

Looking ahead, Ather has ambitious plans, aiming to expand into a second territory by the end of the year and hiring additional staff to manage the growing accountancy workload. With the support of DNS Accountants, Ather is confidently navigating the challenges and building a better future for himself and his family.

If you're contemplating a change, DNS Accountants franchise offers the opportunity to make a leap without unnecessary delays. Join us, and let's build success together!


Meet Sami Joseph, our franchisee in Brighton . Just like you, Sami desired success on his terms, aiming to drive his career forward while still cherishing family time. With an extensive background in large accountancy firms, specialising in tax, Sami found himself at a crossroads. Despite building a strong reputation, he realised he was working tirelessly to elevate someone else's practice.

In 2011, Sami made a bold move, leaving full-time employment to become a sole trader, eventually incorporating his company in 2014. However, the arrival of his son shifted his priorities, leading him to walk away from accountancy temporarily. Sami explored other ventures, including opening small shops and post offices in Sussex, but he couldn't deny his true passion.

Wanting to return to accountancy without the struggles of going solo, Sami sought the right franchise for support and connection. DNS Accountants emerged as the perfect fit. The support and guidance offered by DNS resonated with Sami, providing the framework for building the practice he envisioned at this stage of his career.

Empowering you to grow a successful business aligned with your life and career goals, DNS Accountants stands out with its comprehensive support, including outsourcing services. Sami, benefiting from DNS's expertise, has streamlined his services, and is scaling up his business, saving precious hours in administrative tasks and spending quality time with his son.

Sami's ambition knows no bounds, setting ambitious goals to achieve within the next two years. With DNS Accountants' support, he believes these milestones are well within reach.

If you share Sami's drive, skills, and ambition and aim to create the future you deserve, contact DNS Accountants today.


For Drita Morina, working for herself was more than a career move; it was a chance to inspire her children and build a future asset. As someone who always knew she would run her own business, Drita's time to shine arrived when she faced redundancy early in the pandemic.

A 2016 graduate, Drita immersed herself in various accounting roles, learning the ropes and exploring different sectors. Her experience with one of the UK's prominent charities revealed her capabilities and ignited a passion to embark on her entrepreneurial journey. Recognising her talent for finance, data analysis, economics, and law, along with her ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, Drita envisioned running her own practice.

Discovering dns accountants seemed like fate, and Drita tentatively took steps towards making her dream a reality. Engaging with the dns accountants' franchise team fuelled her excitement, affirming that this was her chance to shine. At 26, as a new mom with two babies, the step into franchising felt daunting. However, dns accountants provided the necessary training, instilling confidence in Drita about her venture.

Franchising with dns accountants offers the advantage of outsourcing work to experts, covering areas like accounting, sales, marketing, and additional support to manage workloads. Drita acknowledges that the support she receives from dns accountants boosts her confidence and aligns with her aspirations.

Beyond personal success, Drita aims to use her practice to provide opportunities for students, offering apprenticeships to those seeking practice experience. She plans to connect with local universities and contribute to students' growth.

If you're ready to step into the franchise world, feel the support of starting your own business, and give yourself the chance to shine, contact dns accountants today.



Vishal & Johanna’s journey with DNS Accountants began in October 2021, and the support they received has far surpassed thier expectations. With a background in large companies, Vishal & Johanna nurtured the dream of running their own practice, emphasising the need to do it right.

Choosing to franchise with DNS Accountants, they have found that being part of something bigger while maintaining control over their business is exactly how they like it. The personalised support from the DNS team stood out and has made them feel supported every step of the way.

After signing the franchise agreement in October 2021, they both underwent comprehensive training, opening their practice in January 2022. Collaborating closely with the DNS marketing team, they have gained numerous clients within the first six months and already have a well-established referral track.

DNS Accountants not only met their expectations but exceeded them, offering support beyond the norm. The franchise package, designed for success, includes outsourcing to meet customer targets, assistance in advertising, and lead generation and the best part is the unique support from the community of dns franchisees and the sharing of all all knowledge and help that you get when you become part of the dns franchisee family.

For those contemplating a similar journey, Vishal's advice is clear: trust the DNS model. With unwavering support from the team, leaving a job to start your venture becomes less daunting. This is an opportune time to join DNS Accountants and experience unparalleled support for your entrepreneurial dreams.

Contact us today to embark on your journey.


Adam James, owner of DNS Accountants in Sunderland, transitioned from a retail customer service background to discover his passion for accounting. Facing challenges in starting his practice in 2020 amid the pandemic, Adam turned to DNS Accountants for a robust solution.

What sets DNS Accountants apart is its innovative software, leading the digital revolution in the industry. This forward-thinking approach ensures unmatched connectivity for franchisees and clients. Adam also appreciates the help he has received from his account managers and the wider franchise community. He has had many difficult decisions to make and sought guidance from the existing franchise community. He highly respects his peers and uses their advice regularly.

Flexibility is key, and DNS Accountants tailored its support to Adam's needs, offering expert assistance when required. Whether you're an experienced accountant or a rising star, DNS Accountants is committed to supporting your journey to success through comprehensive training and a suite of services.

Adam's success story includes rapid business growth, thanks to DNS Accountants' sales team support. Ready to unlock your potential? Contact DNS Accountants today and embark on your path to success!


Background: Reza Tavakoli brings a wealth of financial expertise to the table, garnered from a dynamic career in the finance departments of companies both in the UK and overseas, along with his entrepreneurial experience in Nottingham. His journey has provided him with a deep understanding of crucial accounting and financial skills, including meticulous financial record-keeping and proficient account management.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: Reza is a proactive, innovative, and ambitious individual who seeks the gratification that comes from managing a thriving, owner-operated business. Fluent in Farsi and well-versed in diverse cultural settings, Reza saw an opportunity to market his accounting services in Nottingham's diverse and multicultural community, where many small business owners have a primary language other than English.

Q: What initially drew you to the DNS Accountants Franchise offering?

A: The DNS Accountants Franchise stands out primarily because of its tailored integrated accounting software. This distinctive feature immediately caught my attention. Upon further exploration, I discovered that the DNS Franchise provides a comprehensive package of support, training, and various other elements that significantly reduce the risks associated with starting a new business.

Q: What are your aspirations with the Franchise?

A: I view the operational support from DNS as a catalyst for my business venture. It empowers me in areas like financing, tax planning, and management accounting. I'm confident that many small businesses and contractors in Nottingham benefit from what my practice has to offer. My main goals include marketing my business effectively in Nottingham, building a solid reputation with my clients and peers, fostering trust among clients, increasing my income, and achieving a harmonious work-life balance.

Q: What are your primary target markets?

A: Nottingham boasts a diverse community with a thriving small business scene, including fast food outlets, restaurants, taxi services, and construction contractors. My marketing focus is on business owners in Nottingham who primarily speak Farsi. I understand how individuals, especially in financial matters, prefer working with someone who shares their language and cultural connection. My marketing efforts target Iranian, Afghan, Kurdish, and Turkish business owners to inform them about how my practice can assist them in growing their businesses compliantly. My unique cultural perspective and language skills are a significant selling point that sets my practice apart.

Q: Do you believe the Franchise will help you attain a better work-life balance?

A: The DNS Accountants Franchise model is specifically designed to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and promote a work-life balance. Having run my own business for several years, I understand the value of being your own boss and working at your pace. However, I'm also aware of the challenges of taking breaks and managing peak workloads. With the robust support offered by the Franchise model, including cloud software for remote work, and an accessible outsource team, I'm achieving a balanced work-life dynamic!

Q: Why did you choose to establish a Franchise rather than going solo?

A: Launching a business from the ground up is a challenging endeavour. I believe that franchising is a less risky approach than starting a new business from scratch. DNS has a strong reputation, a well-established operational structure, and expertise in managing a Franchise network. The ongoing training programme is a significant advantage for me, and the structured marketing approach allows me to focus on managing my business, maintaining client relationships, and local marketing efforts.

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: Over the next few years I look forward to expanding my franchise territory around Nottinghamshire and possibly investing in another Franchise in the East Midlands. Additionally, I'm still enthusiastic about being a part of a renowned name in the accounting industry, hopefully I am a valuable member of the Franchisee network now and collaborating with colleagues to accelerate the growth of my business and income. I am also contributing to enhancing DNS's reputation and expanding its reach across the UK with my fellow franchisees.

Q: Why did you choose Nottingham for your Franchise?

A: Nottingham is an enchanting city with a thriving small business economy, boosted by its status as a university city. My choice was significantly influenced by the fact that there are currently no Persian/Farsi-speaking accountants in Nottingham, despite the city being home to a plethora of small businesses, most of whom I believe will value the support and services I can provide.

Joining a Multi-Award-Winning firm with great client feedback, Reza Tavakoli is making his mark in Nottingham's business landscape.

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dns is a modern, cutting-edge accountants franchise, which is perfect for experienced or newly qualified accountants, or even someone with great business acumen and passion to succeed! But don’t just take our word for it...

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